Wednesday, August 31, 2011

agora dá pra ler essa budega

eu tava tendo que aperta meus olhos pra enchergar meus próprios post. Aff! e olhe que eu tenho visão de piloto de caça hahaha

2am: on D&D, Medieval Times, Twitter, etc...

My sleeping schedule is still crazy because of the summer break and because my classes are mostly late morning, early afternoon. I was writing a bit before I went to bed, drafting the first version of a essay due  Friday.

I was thinking about writing about "rituals" we do everyday and I cared for the idea and tried to make it bloom for a couple of days until I decided the theme sucks. Well, at least I didn't felt like trying to figure out what approach I wanted to take. I wrote about my newfound obsession with the Medieval times.

On another note, why do random people keep following me on twitter? I mean, its fine. Its not like I write something secret in my not so secret mini blog (do people still think of twitter as a mini-blog? because that doesn't sound right, does it? I would say its much more like a texting program, but cooler).

Going back to medieval times... I guess I'm addicted to it now. Playing the Sims Medieval (thanks @joaofred!), reading A Song of Ice and Fire (or the Game of Thrones books, as most know it), taking two classes about medieval literature and wanting to play D&D real bad.

I think I feel like playing D&D ever since I stopped playing when I was 13. Is it really that long? Its a latent desire, I guess... It's always been there, I just don't pay too much attention to it because I have other things to do and I do enjoy me some jokes at my role playing gamer boyfriend (who is way to old to be playing RPG... not. RPG is for ever)

Next thing I know I'm gonna be wearing chain-mail and drinking mead... Blerg

pé-de-pica (noun)

the famous Pé-de-Pica
pé-de-pica (noun)
2 : a plant that bears penises as fruits

thanks, @haffa_elo, for showing me that "pés-de-pica" really do exist.

Monday, August 29, 2011


How to explain in english what is a pé-de-pica? The northeastern Brazilian portuguese allows for many creative expressions, slang, words and phrases that mean different things, according to context. Sometimes even the natives have communication issues amongst each other.

The complex word "pé-de-pica" is in itself the combination of 2 slang words that might have several meanings, with a simple conector between them.

The word pé means "foot" most of the time, both the anatomic part of our body and the measurement. But there are several second meaning for the word. The one utilized as part of the word "pé-de-pica" refers to trees. Yes, trees.

In northwestern slang, the word "pé" is used to refer to a tree of unknown name, specifying its type by referring to the fruit it bears. For example, a "pé-de-manga" refers to a "mangueira", tree that bears the mango fruit. (pé = tree; de = of; manga = mango). Pé-de-planta (tree of plant in english) refers to a generic tree.

Now the word "pica" is a unpolished slang used to refer to "penis" (equivalent to cock or dick in english)

But pé-de-pica, the combination of three words into another means an entirely different thing. It has nothing to duo with the bizarre metaphorical image of a tree that bears penises as fruits.

Pé-de-pica is a slang word (a rather funny word, instead of the offensive "pica", though not something appropriated for granny's ears either) that means "a big problem, likely to get out of hand" that is usually caused by human stupidity.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

quer saber, fodam-se

sim, google e wordpress, estou mandando ambos enfiarem seus domínios .com no cu. Não quero mais saber. De mim vocês não tiram mais nenhum centavo.

até um tempo atrás eu confiava no google, tinha até um carinho, um sentimento de cumplicidade para com programas tipo o gmail e o blogger, que venho utilizando a anos. Isto é, até que resolvi investir em um domínio .com. Assim que fiz a compra, eu na minha ilusão, esperei tratamento vip, como cliente pagante, mas que nada. Além de nunca ter conseguido fazer meu domínio pago me direcionar para o meu blog, Google ainda colocou meu a baixo. Tratamento vip meu cu.

Então resolvi me mudar pro wordpress... Juntei meus trapos, fiz a mala, me exportei... Mas ai que site chato. Tudo é complicato, contra-intuitivo e os layouts são horríveis e difíceis de modificar. Depois de tanto trabalho que tive aprendendo a mexer no blogger, eu não estava afim de ter que aprender a mexer no wordpress agora, depois de veia.

Por isso voltei. Velho endereço .blogspot. Melhor 1 pássaro de graça na mão do que dois pagos voando.
