Friday, November 18, 2011

Sonnet 2

Boredom, cruel spirit of our time, you pray
on the cold, tainted souls of young and old.
What kind of god are you? Must we obey
your will’s command, your dark intents? Behold

the freedom of my soul, behold the minds
that blossom in the shadow of your might.
In spite of your control we’ll grow, strong winds
will spread the seed of new ideas. Ov’rnight

you’ll see your power flicker, turn to dust,
you’ll see the dull and jaded, starting new.
And then, at last, vain boredom, you’ll combust
and from your ashes life will rise anew.

Who gave you so great power, mighty lord?
Doesn’t matter. In your death we’ll be restored.

1 comment:

  1. Divertido de ler, redondinho. Gosto dos enjambements, e a leitura é tão redondinha... :D Você escreve sonetos shakespearianos com gosto de sextilhas camonianas.
