Thursday, December 8, 2011

the photography

I look at us in that photography. We look so perfectly happy, so indescribably happy. You can see it in our smiles, in our shining, loving eyes.

I feel so miserable now. I still love you and I feel it in my heart that you still love me, but I haven’t been happy like we were in quite a while. You used to be my flame, you used to be the reason why I woke up every day with a smile in my lips and a warmness in my chest.

I just lost it. I just lost the hope of being together.

Back then, when we took that picture, I though I knew when we would be together. We had a plan. We were far away from our goal, but I could still see it if I forced my eyes. Now, it’s lost from sight. Now, I really don’t know when we are going to have our happy beginning, the beginning of our life together. I feel I am in a ship, drifting in an ocean of pain and loneliness, and I can see no coast. Back when I could see it, I could ignore, get past the ocean of pain, I could concentrate on getting to shore. Now, I just don’t know how long it’s going to take for me to be happy again. It is hard. It is so hard.

1 comment:

  1. Às vezes eu me sinto culpado por não poder fazer muito, por saber que tudo o que eu faço já é até um pouco além dos meus limites, mas no final do dia eu realmente fico contente em poder escutar sua voz antes de dormir, e em saber que você está seguindo adiante e se divertindo com o curso. Eu adoro lhe esperar do lado de fora das suas aulas e tentar desenhar as estátuas. Eu gosto de ler Beckett enquanto você está na aula de Inglês. Você tem um namorado completamente apaixonado por você, sabia? :)
