Monday, February 13, 2012

Fleeting Images from the Highway

A double sonnet dedicated to my valentine @joaofred, inspired by roads past and roads yet to be driven. It was really challenging to work the (imperfect) iambic pentameter, but I think I managed.

Fleeting Images from the Highway

I saw the now become the past. Look right,
look left, and you can see it too: dry land
sprinkled with rocks, an eagle taking flight,
dead snake dangling from its beak. Unmanned

gas stations, “closed” signs everywhere, adorn
the landscape. They’re a blur my brain tries to
compute, but memory, the treacherous whore,
is fleeting. Little lasts from it all. I knew,

when I left home, that I’d be left with few:
snapshots in instagram, a short blog post
I wrote in Tennessee, American Gods still
forgotten in the back seat, full of notes

— our plans and declarations of undying
love — I miss you, but I keep on driving.


I saw our plans become the present: Now!
Look left and you’ll see the house on the rock.
Just twelve miles ago we got in that stupid bout,
you want’d to see Niagara Falls, New York

but I wouldn’t let you. It isn’t in the book.
Landscapes of steel and woods became abstract
blurs, passing us by: running deer, dried brooks
and Neil’s soothin’ voice. I felt like Lisa Nowak,

mad, running after the ghost of a lover (minus
the adult diapers), but you were right there
mumbling about the prophecies of Nostradamus
on the death seat while we listen’d to Neverwhere.

I will hold tight to the good bits, the me-
mory of our road trip, when love began.

1 comment:

  1. Que lindo, Di. :) Acho que este foi o soneto (dois, no caso) com a leitura mais fluida e divertida que você já escreveu. Melhor, talvez, porque enreda bem quem lê.. Adoro os enjambements (e aqui temos alguns, melhor ainda quando têm aliterações), além da sensação de estar lendo com um pé fora das rimas, o que é sempre muito bom :) eu só não relacionei muitas coisas com fatos reais... Algumas sim, mas outras, bem, acho que sao coisas mais suas que de qualquer outra pessoa.

    Beijoca, linda. Feliz dia de São Valentim.
