Tuesday, July 17, 2012

fleeting things

I tried to look at the starts tonight, and finding none I loked around me. The sight was a real delight to my eyes: centuries old walls looked at me, surrounding me with history and so many untold stories about this place I know inhabit. This place that is so familiar to me now, that I can call each blade of perfectly tamed grass by its natural name.
But the summer night wind blew sideways and I realized that life will blow me away and take me places that are yet unknown to me, and I might never come back to those walls again. This is the last time. I try to take everything in at the same time, but memories fade almost as fast as they are created.
I will have pictures, I say, comforting myself. But how often will I look at them? How often will I remember what I felt, how the cold breeze felt against my skin, how desolating it was to see a starless night.
All my decisions, all my mistakes, all my acts of valor will guide me inevitable to my death and then all my memories will die with me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have the same feeling wherever I go. I've just been to my father's hometown once, for instance, and I'm pretty sure I'll never get back to that yellowish place again. :/ That's not something I'm going to miss, particularly, but there are so many awesome places that I want to visit once more and chances are I never will.
