Wednesday, October 26, 2011

starting something new

Boredom has never been so powerful. This is the generation of the do-nothings, of the dysthymics, the internet masturbators, the facebook activists. Nobody does nothing. Nobody is just a lazy ass, really. Today is October 26, 2011. In a few seconds it's going to be midnight. Wake up, start doing something. Make big plans for your life, forget about your parent's plans, they did what their parents told them to and look all the good it did.
Don't plan to do something next Monday. Now is the time to start all plans, great and small. It's late and you are tired, but life gets shorter every day. In one of those you'll die and all information about you will disappear, lost in the relentless limbo of forgotten servers.


  1. valeu pelo comment, rick! =D fico tão feliz quando pessoas novas comentam!

  2. "Boredom has never been so powerful" é um ótimo começo de história, e uma ótima máscara de motivação também. Eu sempre quis saber o que realmente pensavam aquelas pessoas que cometeram crimes e culparam o tédio. O mesmo pode ser dito de todas as pessoas que fizeram algo notável pela mesma razão. What the fuck, people? O tédio, na história, é tecnicamente erótico.
