Thursday, December 8, 2011

the noises of the world

quiet, silent, I tried to calm my mind. I organized my papers, I opened a book, I sipped on my cup of tee and tried to calm my spirit.

In one of those moments I supported my face with my left hand and my ear became perfectly aligned my watch. I heard the subtle tic tac of its mechanism working. I heard the wisps of sounds made by my own heart and I thought about life and the frivolity of life, and the ephemerality of life.

time never stops, but my watch will and my heart will

1 comment:

  1. Eu costumo pensar estas coisas quando estou fazendo prova. Isso melhorou bastante nos últimos anos, mas as minhas provas no Anchieta eram mais produtivas que muitas das aulas de Israel. #fredemdorgas

    De uma forma geral acho sempre válido pensar neste tipo de coisa, though.
